"A woman, as long as she lives, will remember how she was made to feel at her birth."
What do midwives do?
Certified Professional Midwives, CPM’s provide prenatal, birth, and postpartum care to women who are having a low risk pregnancy with a healthy baby. Midwives attend births in either your home or in a free-standing birth center. They are licensed to provide well care for you and your baby through 6 weeks postpartum. We work as a two Midwife birth team. So who you dream about your birth with is who plans to attend your birth and your postpartum.
Who attends my birth?
We work as a TWO Midwife birth team. So who you dream about your birth with is who plans to attend your birth and your postpartum.
Birth is sort of...what about the mess?
Birth is messy, but we are birth fairies and our job is to make sure that your home looks as it did before we arrived. We set up and clean up everything related to your birth. We make sure you are showered and tucked into a fresh clean bed with your sweet babe. You will have eaten before we leave and laundry will be going. Your trash can will be empty, but your arms will be full.
What's the difference between a homebirth and a birth center?
I describe it like this: a Birth Center delivery room is set up much like a room in your home. The practitioner is still the same, the equipment is mostly still the same. The difference is you drive to the birth center or I drive to you. The care you receive and the options you have available are still the same.
Do I need a doula if I am having a homebirth?
We encourage all of our families to hire a doula, and we especially recommend doula care for our first time couples. It will be a blessing to your journey. We provide a list of recommendations in our welcome packet.
What about about the filing of the birth certificate and social security card?
We handle all the necessary paperwork for the filing of your baby's birth certificate and social security card. At your home visit, you will receive your half of the necessary paperwork. After the birth, we will complete our half and send it in to the Department of Vital Records. A copy of the social security card will be mailed your home 4-6 weeks after your babies birth. The birth certificate will be available for you to request in about 2 weeks after your baby's birth.
Is homebirth safe?
There have been many studies done on the safety of Midwife attended births. The most recent study published comes from MANA ( Midwives Alliance North America). In this study, researchers found that women attended by Midwives could expect the following:
* 93% of women have a normal physiological birth
* A cesarean rate of 5% vs a national average of 31%
* Only 2.5% of babies were admitted to NICU in the first 6 days of life
* Only 10.9% of mothers were transported to the hospital during labor, the majority of those were for non-emergency reasons
* At six weeks postpartum, nearly all the babies were breastfeed