Midwifery Services

Carrie and Paislie work as a two Midwife birth team, when it comes time for birth we come to you. Your labor begins and when you need us, our team arrives to set everything up. We stay until 3-4 hours after your baby is born to look after Mom and baby. We also are the clean up crew leaving your home just as we found it when we leave.
Whether you choose to deliver your baby in the water or just enjoy the comfort of water throughout your labor, Hatched provides Oasis Birthing tub or Birth Pool in a Box mini inflatable tub for your birth.
Prenatal Care
After your initial consultation, you will visit Hatched offices for your visits they are 45min to an hour long. We promise to not hold you hostage, but rather not feel rushed so we get a chance to talk about anything pertinent to the part of pregnancy that your in and answer any questions you may have. We plan to see you for monthly prenatal care, until 30 weeks when you come every two weeks, until 37 weeks when you see us weekly. We will schedule an in-home visit for your 37 week visit to get ready for your home birth. 38-42 weeks we will see you weekly in the Hatched office until the big day! Carrie and Paislie are in the office together on Wednesdays and we rotate the other office days. Our office is very child friendly. We have a play room directly across from our main prenatal room and a well stocked snack bin.
*****We do offer 1/2 in home, 1/2 office prenatal care for an additional fee.
Lab Work
We do collect all of our lab work in office to save you a trip to the lab. We do offer The Fresh Test as an option for gestational diabetes testing. (If you desire the testing) We also offer SneakPeek early gender testing as early as 6 weeks with results usual the very next day. Cost is $129.00. Schedule here!
We refer out for early ultrasound and 20 week anatomy scans. We refer to Palmetto Ultrasound Center .
Postpartum Care
After your baby is born you will receive a 24-36 hour visit, a 3-5 day visit, and a 2-3 week follow-up all in the comfort of your home. Carrie and Paislie will take turns visiting you in postpartum. You will be welcome to schedule a 4 week and a 6 week visit in the Hatched office if you desire. Our team is also available via text or email throughout your postpartum.
We also offer extended postpartum care for weight checks, mom advice, and handouts for developmental milestones as needed for the first year of life.
Newborn Care
After your baby is born we will perform an initial newborn exam, CCHD screening, and a PKU screening.
Breastfeeding support
Besides local classes available, the Hatched team will indentify any breastfeeding issues and assist with latch support during your postpartum. We love to work closely with the IBCLC’s at Nourish .
Childbirth Resources
The Hatched team cultivates relationships throughout the Upstate with doulas, lactation consultants, chiropractors, acupuncturists, maternity yoga instructors, and nutritional specialists. We have a wonderful lending library available at Hatched.
We love Doulas!! We have a running list of the Doulas in the community that we love to work with but, we do encourage you to hire the doula that is perfect for you. We want to be apart of YOUR perfect birth team.
We offer a free consultation either in office of virtually to discuss our services and costs. A customized payment plan will be established at your first visit.
Insurance questions?
We also provide an easy way to access insurance reimbursements for your home birth. You can contact Vicki here.
We do accept 3 plans of South Carolina Medicaid: Select Health First choice, Healthy Blue, and Absolute Total Care.
**Medicaid doesn’t cover the entire cost for homebirth we offer a free consultation in person or virtually to discuss what you can expect.
Stillbirth doula care
If you know someone who can benefit from this service please call me anytime 24/7.
If you would like more information on Still Birthdays please visit www.stillbirthdays.com
Now I lay me down to sleep provides free photography to families experincing a pregnancy loss they can be found at www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org